Documents sur Blâmont (54) et le Blâmontois





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Plan du canton

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Poste de commandement en ligne
Poste de commandement en ligne
Ruines de l'église
Ruines de l'église
Mur à Taube
Mur à Taube

Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7545 - Maj. Henderson and officers of One hundred and sixty-fifth Infantry inspecting trenches, Blemerey, France.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7546 - Maj. R. C. A. Allen, First Battalion, One hundred and sixty-fifth Infantry, coming from his dugout at Blemerey, France.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7547 - Lieut. Col. Florence, One hundred and sixty-sixth Infantry, Maj. R. C. Allen, One hundred and sixty-fifth Infantry, and staff, leaving dugout for inspection of front lines at Blemerey, France.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7549 - American engineers, building corduroy road for supplying front lines under indirect fire of enemy machine guns at Blemerey, France.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7550 - Officers of One hundred and sixty-fifth Infantry entering front line trenches for observation and inspection at Blemerey, France.

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