Documents sur Blâmont (54) et le Blâmontois





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Inauguration du Réseau d'Adduction d'eau - 18 septembre 1927
Inauguration du Réseau d'Adduction d'eau - 18 septembre 1927
Looking over top at Ancerviller German line at edge of woods in distance
Looking over top at Ancerviller German line at edge of woods in distance
Consécration de l'église d'Ancerviller par Mgr Cerretti - 20 novembre 1923 - La procession des reliques
Consécration de l'église d'Ancerviller par Mgr Cerretti - 20 novembre 1923 - La procession des reliques
Intérieur de l'église bombardée
Intérieur de l'église bombardée
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7737 - Showing Catholic chapel in woods behind front-line trenches, also two American soldiers in prayer, near Ancerville, France, Woods of Bouleaux. Small Woods of Compte.
March 11, 1918.


Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7738 - Dugout of post commander, Capt. H. W. Thompson, Company H, One hundred and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantry, (formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Guard), showing Lieut. F. D. Scottlan, receiving message for artillery barrage, near Ancerviller, France, woods of Bouleaux, small woods of Compte, March 11, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7739 - Sentry of Company H, One hundred and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantry, formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Guard), opening barbed wire gates for returning patrol, near Ancerviller, France, woods of Bouleaux, small woods of Compte, March 11, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7740 - Messing in the front line trenches. Company H, One hundred and sisty-seventh Regiment Infantry, (formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Guard), near Ancerviller, France, woods of Bouleaux, March 11, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7743 - Arrival of supplies for first line trenches by mule power. This is a daily supply. One hundred and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantry (formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Guard), Second Battalion, Ancerviller, France. March 11, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7744 - One hundred and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantry, (formerly Fourth Regiment Infanfey, Alabama National Guard), Second Battalion, Company F, digging dugout under ruined building, Ancerviller, France. March 11, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7745 - Unloading daily rations from mule train. One hundred and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantry (formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Guard), Second Battalion, Ancerviller, France. March 11, 1918.


Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7746 - One hundrer and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantery (formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Gnard), Second Battalion, showing activity of American troops in town just behind front line. This town is shelled daily by Germans. Ancerviller, France. March 11, 1918.


Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7747 - Same as 7746.


Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 7748 - One hundred and sixty-seventh Regiment Infantry, (formerly Fourth Regiment Infantry, Alabama National Guard), Second Battalion, Company F, Corpl. Howard Thompson holding pistol of German whom Sergt. James H. White killed in no man's land with butt of his pistol. This occasion being one where a patrol of 5 men met 10 Germans in no man's land on March 7, 1918. Corpl. Thompson went into no man's land in daytime and found pistol of the dead German. Ancerviller, France, March 11, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 11262 - Entrance to a front line trench starting out of an old bombed building. One hundred and sixty-sixth Regiment Infantry (Fourth Regiment Ohio Infantry), Ancerviller, France. April 14, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 11267 - One hundred and sixty-sixth Infantry (Fourth Ohio Infantry), showing grave of Kurt Hungerecker (German), shot while on patrol duty in Ancerviller, France. April 4,1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 11268 - Lieut. Milton Monnette (Cardington, Ohio) and Pvt. D. O. Parks (Ashland, Ohio), the sentry who discovered despatch dog trying to escape, showing dog shot on wire. Ancerviller, France. April 14, 1918. One hundred and sixty-sixth Infantry (Fourth Ohio).
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 11269 - One hundred and sixty-sixth Infantry (Fourth Ohio). Despatch dog shot by Lieut. Milton Monnette while trying to get through the barbed wire. Ancerviller, France. April 14, 1918.
Signal Corps
Signal Corps - 11270 - One hundred and sixty-sixth Infantry (Fourth Ohio). Grave of despatch dog. Ancerviller, France. April 14, 1918.

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